Massage, Reiki, Polarity, and RYSE

Massage, reiki, and polarity go hand in hand in hand. At Healing Creative, our massage therapists seamlessly blend these modalities, as well as others as needed, resulting in improved releases of deep muscular tension with minimal or no discomfort.

  • Massage uses pressure applied to the body to loosen muscle tissues, resulting in comfort, relaxation, and an overall sense of well-being. In addition to using one's hands, hot stones and/or other massage aids may be used.
  • Reiki has origins in Japan as a technique for reducing stress and increasing relaxation to promote healing. Often described as "laying of the hands", reiki balances the energy within your body, making you feel peaceful and refreshed.
  • Polarity therapy works by directly interacting with the energy field in and around your body, finding and restoring balance as needed to increase self-awareness while reducing anxiety and stress. Longer term practices of polarity may involve balancing diet and exercise with polarity sessions as recommended by the certified trained practitioner.
  • RYSE - description coming soon.